Transform Your Relationship

Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT)!

Learn more about
Dr. Elisa Joy Seibert & EFT

Committed to coming alongside couples with excellence, gentleness, and cultural sensitivity to help them heal, grow, and transform their relationship through the power of
Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT)!

Welcome to
Growing Connections for Couples!

Discover what is possible in your most important relationship!

I’m glad you’re here! If you are wanting to improve your couple relationship, get out of negative cycles that pull you from the person you love most, heal from an affair or other attachment injury, or just feel more connected with your partner, you’ve come to the right place. Explore this site and reach out if you’d like a guide for the journey. I am a seasoned EFT Couples Therapist who specializes in
helping couples do this journey
with the clear roadmap of
Emotionally Focused Therapy and
I’d be honored to come alongside you.
(I provide EFT to a limited number of individuals and families as well.)
I see all of my clients through teletherapy,
so, if you live in the state of Pennsylvania, we could connect.
You don’t have to do this journey alone! :>
Dr. Elisa Joy Seibert, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist (in PA)
ICEEFT Certified EFT Therapist & Supervisor

Interested in EFT for your most important relationship? Reach out!

If you want to pursue counseling
with Dr. Seibert,
click the button
to fill out a
New Client Inquiry form to
get started!

Are you tired of negative cycles, walls, anger, hurt, and distance getting in the way of your connection?

Do you need hope that there is a way to feel good in your most important relationship?

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for Couples, created by Dr. Sue Johnson, is based on the science of Adult Attachment and how our brains are wired for connection. EFT has been show through numerous studies to be the most effective couples therapy out there and provides a clear roadmap for not only de-escalating your negative cycle, but transforming your bond and helping you earn a safe haven connection (which is called Secure Attachment).

70 to 75 percent of couples who go through EFT recover from distress and are happy in their relationships.
— Dr. Sue Johnson, Hold Me Tight, p. 7
EFT has been recognized by the American Psychological Association as an empirically proven form of couple therapy.
— Dr. Sue Johnson, Hold Me Tight, p. 7

Because emotion and the need to attach to one significant, safe other are wired into our brains and universal, EFT has been shown to be effective across all cultures, religions, and types of couples: LGBTQ+, straight, Western cultures, Eastern cultures, and everything in between.

EFT can also help couples recover from affairs and other attachment injuries.

Are you ready to discover what is possible in your connection?

Reach out through the Contact tab or click HERE,
and begin the adventure of a lifetime!  Don’t wait. 
Your heart deserves the connection and soothing
it longs for!

What is EFT?

Are you wanting to learn more about Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) and how it can help transform your relationship?

About Dr. Seibert

Learn more about Dr. Elisa Joy Seibert, Ph.D., M.Div., including her training and passion for couples therapy!

What People Are Saying

Dr. Seibert is an excellent psychologist and amazing marital therapist. My husband wasn’t a fan of doing therapy but EFT therapy was our last ditch effort to save it and I’m so happy we did. We had to wait a few weeks to get in due to her limited schedule, but it was more than worth it. Dr. Seibert helped us not only save our marriage but to truly see and hear each other on a level I never thought possible. She helped us figure things out and love each other more than the day we got married.
— Former Client
Your support is always consistently on point and meaningful! I am forever grateful for all you have shared of yourself in helping us grow. I am in the best emotional place of my life at the most difficult time of my life. . . what a gift you have given me! I am infinitely appreciative.
— Client
EFT and Dr. Seibert really helped me recognize the underlying reasons behind my behaviors and interactions with my wife and showed me a better way to respond in high-stress situations. It gave me a stronger understanding of myself and of my wife, and I think this is probably the best thing that we’ve ever done for our relationship. Dr. Seibert is intuitive and kind, and helped us zero in on the things we needed to change to help our connection flourish.
— Former Client
Dr. Seibert truly cares .... She listens to you without judging and offers great insights.
— BIPOC Former Client
Elisa Seibert is a skilled EFT clinician with a solid understanding of the model. Her warmth and sensitivity create a safe environment ..... I highly recommend Elisa .... you will be in excellent hands!
— Jill Fischer, L.C.S.W., Certified EFT Supervisor & Therapist, & former EFT Trainer
You have changed our lives dramatically for the better. Without you our ability to navigate the tough stuff and major changes would’ve been near impossible.
— LGBTQ+ Former Client
We’ve been lost and now we have a map to find the treasure moments we’ve longed for.
— Client
Dr. Seibert is warm, gracious, and incredibly talented. She has both natural ability as a counselor, and the experience and education to make her a uniquely qualified person to help a struggling marriage. Our marriage has changed immeasurably and permanently because of her good guidance and care.
— Former Client

If you are a potential client:

… And you are wanting to work with Dr. Seibert in therapy, reach out to her through the Contact tab or click HERE to fill out a New Client Inquiry form to get started!

If you are a therapist:

… For referrals or to reach Dr. Seibert, feel free to use this website’s Contact tab.
… To learn more about EFT, EFT supervision/consultation, getting certified, or becoming an EFT supervisor, explore her EFT Website for Therapists: