LGBTQ+ Couples

(and Parents of LGBTQ+ folx):

Resources for your relationship, your heart, and your faith

Your relationship is unique and has unique needs. Here are a few resources to support you along the way and nurture your attachment to each other, to yourself, and to God. If you need more resources beyond this page and website, just reach out! You are not alone!! I am glad to be here for you!

In addition to the Resources for Couples page on this site (which includes great books, videos, podcasts, and workshops which any couple could benefit from), check these out as well:

Trans Couples

Websites/Groups who are here for you, your partner, and other family and allies in your life:

  • TransCentralPA - is committed to providing advocacy and caring support for transgender individuals, their significant others, families, friends and allies.

More Websites for Transgender Resources:

Great Self-Care Workbook for Trans Folks!

General Organizations Supporting LGBTQ+ folx and those who care about them:

  • Check out PFLAG which is “creating a caring, just, and affirming world for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them.” Among other things, PFLAG offers opportunities to be part of a caring community (incl. through online). Check it out!

  • Explore the other resources listed above under Trans folx since many groups also serve more broadly in the LGBTQ+ world.

LGBTQ+ Affirming Healthcare:

Books - LGBTQ+ and Faith:

Christian faith has (understandably!) been a complicated realm for many LGBTQ+ folks. God is welcoming, but the people/groups/churches have often not been. There are pockets where that is changing! Don’t give up hope! There is a place for you and your person in a faith community and connection with God!

Check out these resources to support you and your loved one on this journey of making space for attachment and connection with God and seeing yourself as beautiful and loved by the One who made and delights in unique you! Connection is possible!

*The Faith resources listed on this website are geared towards Christian faith merely because those are the ones which which I am most familiar. I am sure there are resources for LGBTQ+ folx of Muslim faith, Jewish faith, etc., too. If you become aware of some good resources for faith groups beyond Christianity, please let me know so I can add them here!

** Check out more resources and websites for you below the Parents section, including stories!

For Parents

Are you on a journey trying to figure out how to make sense of what you’ve learned growing up as you now sit with what your child is telling you about their sexual orientation or gender identity? Check out these resources to support your journey AND help you engage your child with an open heart that is able to attune to where they are and what they need from you. As Susan Cottrell says, “There is no fear in love, but real love dispels fear. And real love accepts people as they are … with room for who they may become.”

See the above books: Torn and Changing Our Mind

Parents, also visit Susan Cottrell’s website,
including her Parents Course and 21 Day MamaBear Journey. She provides support groups for parents, and stand-in parents for LGBTQ+ folks who need a parent.

Also check out PFLAG which is “creating a caring, just, and affirming world for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them.” Among other things, PFLAG offers opportunities to be part of a caring community (incl. through online). Check it out!

Stories of LGBTQ+ folx and allies:

Stories are powerful and can move us in ways other things can’t. Check out these stories…

This is a book of personal stories. Hear these voices of mothers, parents, pastors, parishioners, and LGBTQ folks of all varieties who have sought to be faithful followers of Jesus within the context of the church. Hear their experiences, their longings, their desire to serve and be a part of the church as it is meant to be, where there is a place for all who seek to follow Jesus and no one is shut out.

This book is by EFT Trainer Sandra Taylor and her wife, both devout Catholics. Read the stories of them and others in Europe.

This book has stories of LGBTQ Catholics and allies. While it does not advocate full inclusion, there are stories of hope and movement within.

WEBSITES - Open and Affirming Christian Groups/Supports/Resources:

  • Q Christian Fellowship - Cultivating radical belonging for LGBTQ+ Christians and allies

  • - Ministering to LGBTQ+ Christians and our allies around the globe. We feature the largest welcoming and affirming church directory in the world

  • The Christian Closet - Finding healing and wholeness

  • Post-Evangelical Collective - If you feel ecclesiologically homeless in the larger church landscape and unsure where you fit, but know that you’re not ready to give up on the church and want to be a part of reimagining what the church looks like for our current moment — Welcome. This space is for you.

  • FreedHearts - Resources (great list!) and so much more…

  • New Ways Ministry - Building bridges between the LGBTQ community and the Catholic Church since 1977. They have searches for finding LGBTQ+ friendly parishes and Catholic colleges too.

Finding a Faith Community that is Open and Affirming:

If you are wanting to find a Faith Community that is Open and Affirming, check out:

Protestant Denominations which are Open and Affirming (This means that at the highest levels, the leadership have committed to a theological position of being open and affirming. This is a crucial step! Be mindful that sometimes specific congregations’ level of openness varies by geographic location and congregation, so feel free to call the pastor ahead of time to ask how open and affirming their particular congregation is. That might help you know if you want to check them out or go elsewhere to a safer, more welcoming congregation.):

*The safest option is to check out churches listed on this website as Open and Affirming:

*And for Catholic Parishes which are LGBTQ+ friendly, check out:

From The Christian Closet (Sept. 2023, Issue 24, newsletter):

If you don't know if a church is affirming, here are 3 ways to find out:

  1. If the church is a part of a denomination, you can find out online if that denomination allows it's congregation to be affirming.

  2. Call the church - either yourself or have a friend call and ask if the church is affirming. This can feel awkward but you'll get an answer real quickly.

  3. When looking online or calling, see if they will marry LGBTQ+ individuals or if LGTBQ folks are allowed to be on the Board of Directors or an elder in the church (if they say no to either, they are not affirming).